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Ceremonies by Nikki Kulin, Costa Celebrant - Wedding Ceremony Hints and Tips

Writing your wedding vows and promises can seem like a daunting task so I have created a tried and trusted method so that is a really process. I am going to give you some examples of real vows and promises which my couples have used and, as you will see, each and every one is different, unique and completely personal. Whether you want to read them to each other or have me lead them and just respond with, ‘I do’, the choice is yours all the way!

A perfect shot which shows exactly why couples choose an unplugged wedding.



Do you promise to love her, listen to her and respect and obey her?

Do you promise to be honest, passionate, caring and kind?

Do you promise to listen, be tidy, close doors and fold towels the right way?

Do you promise to be better around the house, pay her more attention and give her more days off?

Do you promise to get up before her in the morning and bring her breakfast in bed?

Do you promise to do more cooking and not burn the fishfingers?

Do you promise to keep the garage tidy, finish jobs in the house and do more cooking?

Do you promise not to hide boats and cars behind the garage?

From this day and always.

Response: I do


Do you promise to be his in plenty and in want, in sickness and in health, in failure?

Do you promise to be loving, caring and supportive and the ‘organiser’? Do you promise to dream with XXXXX, celebrate with him and walk beside him through whatever your lives may bring?

Do you promise to be faithful and supportive? Do you promise to dream with him and always put your family first?

Do you promise to cook dinner for him every day and wake him up when he falls asleep on a night out?

Do you promise to encourage XXXX’ dancing and make sure you have a date night at least once a month?

Do you promise not to nag too much about lights left on or doors left open?

Do you promise to give in and accept that there will always be various boats, camper vans and cars outside your house?

From this day and always

Response: I do

The fabulous stairs at Casa de los Bates – you could be in Hollywood for your bespoke wedding ceremony.


I promise to love you, be loyal to you and protect you always.

I promise to be patient, considerate and affectionate.

I will always be honest and funny and try to make you laugh every day.

I promise to keep cooking AMAZING dinners for you, having them ready when you come home with your favourite show playing and candles lit.

I promise that I’ll continue to support you, love you and stand by your side for as long as I live.

I promise to take my shoes off when going up the stairs!

I promise to help you Hinch the house and try not to be too hyper in the mornings.

I promise to protect you from spiders.

I promise not to leave wet clothes in the washing machine or use the tumble drier instead of hanging the clothes out.

I promise not to get bored when you talk about ambulance things!

I promise not to gain 20 stone as soon as we’re married.

But most of all, I promise to be your best friend, to hold your hand and tell you I love you every day. From this day and always.


I promise to love you every day, be your rock when times get hard and laugh everyday with you at your ridiculous jokes.

I promise to be there for you no matter what happens, be your best friend (sorry Sean) and work hard for us and the life we’ve built together.

I promise to love you as much as possible forever, to always be open and honest and to hold you up in the toughest times.

I promise to respect you and be there for you in good times and bad.

I promise that my nagging means I care – think of it instead as motivational speaking.

I promise to try to bring you more breakfast in bed and try to improve my cringing at affection.

I promise to teach you how to cook lasagne and other dishes, so you won’t need me forever.

I promise not to Hinch the house as much!

I will try not to ask for so many hot water bottles or make fun of your lack of facial hair!

But most of all, I promise to be your best friend, to hold your hand and tell you I love you every day. From this day and always.

Bespoke handwritten wedding ceremony in Seville.



I promise to care for you, always love you, and look after you and support you with all my strength for as long as I live and beyond.

I promise to be a faithful, true and, above all, a loving husband to you in every way that is possible and even those ways that are not.

I promise to always be there to stand at your side when you need me and think of you when we are not together.

I promise to always tell you how much I love you when you wake up in the morning.

I promise to continue to dance for you on command, to agree that you are the fastest, most courageous and cleverest person I know and that I will always and forever be your pigeon.

I can’t promise to allow you to drive my car, sanction a joint credit card or to ever stop ranting at the TV.

I do promise not to walk over your newly vacuumed carpet, never – for the love of God, never!

I will try not to make a mess as soon as you have cleaned the house.

I will never disagree with your outfit choices and never suggest that the rain is just passing when it quite clearly isn’t.

But most of all, I promise to be your best friend, hold your hand and tell you I love you every day – from this day and always.


I promise to make you laugh, hold your hand when life is hard and share my happiest moments with you.

I promise to be loving and kind, caring and fun.

I promise to laugh with you and share many moments of silliness.

I promise to always be supportive of your hopes and dreams.

I will always be proud of you, support you and be your best friend.

I promise to love you absolutely and always.

I will go on adventures with you and drink margaritas on holiday in the sunshine with you.

I promise to always join in when you dance in the kitchen.

I will also help you neatly fold your shirts whenever you are packing to go away.

I promise to continue to come up with new nicknames for you and feed the fish babies.

I will always sing loudly in the shower despite your protestations and I know that it really makes you smile!

I promise not to force you to paddle board with me again

I will try not to complain that I have backache every time we visit an art gallery.

I promise to try not to fall asleep in the car at the start of every car journey.

But most of all, I promise to be your best friend, hold your hand and tell you I love you every day – from this day and always.

Having a handwritten wedding ceremony means your celebration is as unique as you are.



Do you promise:

To love XXX forever, to cherish her every day and be faithful as long as you both shall live?

Do you promise

To be caring, considerate and loyal, and to be patient and loving?

Do you promise:

To be her best friend, cherish her and tell her you love her every day?

From this day and always

Response: I do


Do you promise:

To love XXXX forever, to cherish her every day and be faithful as long as you both shall live?

Do you promise:

To be her best friend, cherish her and tell her you love her every day?

Do you promise:

To laugh with her and appreciate her every day?

From this day and always.

Response: I do

Please note – the photographs in this blog do not relate to the example vows. All the vows and promises examples were taken from wedding ceremonies where I was the Celebrant.


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